Upgrade Culture
Prior to her retirement in 2014, Mrs P bought a HP laptop (HP 15-g094sa). The model was chosen based upon her needs and budget. The fact that it was purple was also a contributory factor. This laptop came with Windows 8 installed and over the years has been upgraded to Windows 10. Being an older model it has a HDD rather than a SSD. However, given what it is used for, IE emails and online shopping and nothing else, it has always been able to cope with the task in hand. 8 years later the specifications should still be adequate to do these specific things (AMD Quad-Core A8-6410 APU). Sadly, the continued growth of Windows 10 has meant that the operating system has gotten bigger and more bloated with features. Hence this laptop struggles with updates, often spending 30 minutes or more each time it’s turned on, which is possibly only once a week. Overall, it is no longer the useful and convenient tool that it was when bought.
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