Save Scumming
Throughout history, there’s always some asshole who confuses their own personal opinion for some undeniable, unassailable, universal truth. This misconception often ends in tragedy. Sadly it is the doom of men (especially Colin) that they forget. Hence, life continues to be regularly assailed by the following cycle. An asshole talks bollocks and advocates an erroneous position or philosophical stance that is unsustainable in the face of reality. A shit storm ensues. The asshole’s position is utterly and unequivocally demolished by facts and data. Everyone else then has to pick up the pieces, while the asshole, due to a lack of critical thinking and emotional literacy, still thinks that they’re right and that “they’re the victim”. This scenario manifests itself in many aspects of day-to-day life. Domestic politics, your places of employment etc. It is also an integral part of gaming culture and a core tenet of Gamers (™).
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