Diary of a Podcaster Part 5
Although we at the Burton & Scrooge podcast are not driven by numbers, it would be nice to see the audience grow. We seem at present to have plateaued somewhat and maintain a robust but fixed listenership. Currently our back catalogue of shows is available via SoundCloud, iTunes and Stitcher. However it would appear that other directories and aggregation services are available, so it would seem prudent to ensure that we are listed with them. My colleagues tell me that the Google Play Store and iHeartRadio are beneficial to register with. I believe that there may well also be comparable services aimed specifically at the console market. However, as our show is more geared towards PC gaming, I don’t see the need to pursue these.
Another way to attract new listeners is to invite guests from other shows. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. First off there’s the practical logistics of trying to set up a call between multiple parties across several time zones. For example, it takes a great deal of organisation and persistence, to assemble all the guest on the quarterly TGEN Tribunal roundtable. Secondly, there is the issue of whether or not your requests are accepted or not. For every guest that you manage to get on your show, at least another three requests have fallen on deaf ears. You need to be both determined and a diplomat; knowing when to push to secure someone and when to let an invitation go.
At present, I am currently collating ideas for the next episode of Burton & Scrooge and considering whether it would to appropriate to have a guest. It very much depends on what we intend to discuss and whether we need “expertise” or an alternative point of view. Brian and I did record some material last Friday but when I sat down to edit it today, I felt that we were not really giving our best. We didn’t have particularly detailed show notes and as a result our discussion was a bit nebulous and without any coherent points. I always feel that we give our best when we are invested in a subject and well informed. Too many opinions these days seem to lack an underlying argument or overall philosophy. On a positive note the new microphone works fine.
As far as reaching a wider audience, I will try and encourage our existing listeners to promote the show via their network of friends and colleagues. Personal recommendation and word of mouth should never be underestimated. Perhaps some cross show and blog promotion would prove useful. TGEN use to have a policy of ensuring that each affiliate show included a “commercial” for another network member. Maybe I should even look in to the viability of paid advertising? It’s not as if we’re seeking global domination. It would just be rewarding to see the podcast expand its reach. After all, content creation is time intensive and it would be satisfying to see some tangible results from the fruits of our labour.