LOTRO: Coming Full Circle
LOTRO: 14th September 2009
I returned to LOTRO in August and started to work through all the outstanding content that had built up during my absence. I have subsequently completed the Mordor expansion pack, along with all of Update 22: Legacy of the Necromancer and Update23: Where Dragons Dwell. This has meant consistently playing, re-gearing my primary character (twice) and generally tweaking different aspects of their build. I have applied myself to the various stories and have not felt overwhelmed by the narrative. Overall, I haven’t played LOTRO this diligently since I joined back in late 2008. This recent experience, along with launch of the Legendary Server, has been extremely satisfying. It’s all been very nostalgic, and I have found myself of late occasionally recapturing the feelings that I had a decade ago. Especially so when questing with friends and tackling group content. I have also thoroughly enjoyed the new Dwarven focused storyline in the Grey Mountains. It’s a rugged yet interesting zone with some exceeding good ambient music.
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