Alik’r Desert Dolmen Farming
Back in 2014 when I was still regularly playing Guild Wars 2 a popular way to level up quickly, as well as grind various rewards, was to join the Queensdale Champion Train. The region was home to multiple Champion level bosses and groups would farm these for hours on end. On arriving in Queensdale, if you wished to join the “train” and farm the various bosses, it was customary to ask “choo choo” in zone chat. You’d then be informed where the “zerg” was and you could catch up with it accordingly. Such are the quaint and esoteric customs associated with the MMO genre. The Queensdale Champion Train eventually got nerfed by ArenaNet and the bosses downgraded, so that it ceased being a viable undertaking. The reason I mention this is because I recently discovered a very similar set up in The Elder Scrolls online. Namely Alik’r Desert Dolmen Farming.
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