Guilds, Kinships and Fleets
I’ve been in the same LOTRO kinship (a.k.a. guild) since 2009. It’s relatively small in size, made up of a core group of about 20 players and their various alts. Everyone knows each other, and we all get along. There’s a broad spectrum of members from across the UK and Europe and the average age is about 35 plus. We’ve had some drama in the past from a few individuals, but they’ve either left or stopped playing. I don’t recollect there ever being an occasion when someone was. After ten years the kinship is at a point where it just ticks over without any major problems. There are events and activities for those who wish to participate, or if you prefer to simply potter about Middle-earth, then you’ll be left to do so. In the past we’ve had our own kinship website and forums, along with TeamSpeak server and other external support facilities. Bu all of these have fallen by the wayside as the Kinship has evolved. We now just focus on playing the game. Overall, the kinship is a friendly bunch and a good fit for my casual style of gameplay, which is why I’ve remained a member for nine years.
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