MMO Nostalgia
Every now and then, when I log into The Lord of the Rings Online, as I ride through a new zone and drink in the vividly realised landscape and sumptuous ambient music, I am smitten by a wave of nostalgia. Just for a few seconds, I recall the emotional excitement of being in a virtual Middle-earth for the first time. I also remember the camaraderie and good company I experienced when I started playing this MMO in 2008. It is a powerful experience but sadly very short lived. Something subsequently happens to take me out of my reverie and bring me back to the current state of the game with a bump. This can be hitching, a major lag spike or a Dwarf irritatingly jumping up and down in my peripheral vision as I peruse the Auction House. Hence my present relationship with LOTRO and indeed the MMORPG genre is one based upon nostalgia and a hint of sadness. I still enjoy LOTRO mainly because of the stories and lore, as well as my friends in our kinship. But I no longer experience the game, as I did over a decade ago. And I miss that.
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