Everything That is Wrong With Management Hierarchies in a Nutshell
The following video appeared in my Twitter timeline three months ago. Upon watching it, I was annoyed on multiple levels and it takes quite a lot to get me agitated these days. I felt disposed towards writing a blog post about what I had seen. However, other stuff came up, as it always does and I ended up writing something else and this post ended up consigned to the “phantom zone” that is “draft posts”. However, I had a conversation today with someone online, that started a train of thought that led me back to this Tweet and my draft post. Someone used the word “literally” when they clearly meant something figuratively and it made me think about how so many people use words incorrectly. Not being able to express yourself clearly and accurately is a major problem. With regard to the anecdote featured in the video it is a clear demonstration of this. It also raises a lot of other issues, all of which are the bane of management.
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