Phantasm (1979)
A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber, known only as the Tall Man, who employs a lethal arsenal of unearthly weapons. (IMDb synopsis) NB. This summary fails to capture the essence of Phantasm and does not do it justice. However, to delineate the plot in greater detail is difficult and counterproductive. Phantasm is not only a film to be watched but one to be experienced.
There is a bizarre, dreamlike quality to Phantasm. After watching it for the first time, you may not remember the specifics of the story, but certain scenes will linger in the memory, in the same way you may recollect snatches of a nightmare following a disturbed night’s sleep. Like so many independent films, made on small budgets by aspiring professionals, it is filled with creativity and innovative ideas that more than make up for its modest production values. Phantasm revels in its surreal imagery and grotesque set pieces and avoids the trappings of a traditional linear and logical narrative. It is a horror film that eschews the genre conventions of the time, in the same way that Dark Star (1974) flew in the face of traditional science fiction films. Although now part of a curious franchise, this original works perfectly well as a standalone film and has developed a substantial cult following among both film fans and high-profile film makers.
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