The Five Games Challenge
Naithin over at Time to Loot set an interesting thought experiment. In a nutshell, if you could only pick five games to play in one year, what would they be. There are some minor caveats regarding choice. The games can be across multiple platforms. Any game chosen also includes all available DLC as well as mods. However, if you pick multiple games from a franchise, they each count as an individual choice. But beyond these minor rules, you’re free to choose what you want. So theoretically you can pick a classic game on the SNES such as Donkey Kong Country, as well as something newly released on the PC such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Judging from Naithin’s post, he feels the idea of being limited to just five games is quite restrictive. I, however, don’t really have an issue with this, as I tend not to play too many games concurrently to begin with. I’ll expand upon this point later. Firstly here are the five games I would play. I have chosen games I have previously or currently play and not included forthcoming titles, as I cannot say with any certainty whether they would prove a hit with me.
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