Gaming Amnesia
Due to the time of year, I’ve been looking through the various games that I own and considering whether I should revisit any. To cut a long story short, I’ve decided to give The Elder Scrolls Online another go. So, I duly downloaded and installed the client only to find myself utterly confounded by it. In a nutshell, I have completely forgotten how to play the game. This problem is further compounded by two other factors. Firstly, the controls and layout are more akin to that of Skyrim than of a typical MMO. Secondly, this is a game that relies on mods to significantly enhance its user interface. The plain vanilla client is somewhat lacking. Therefore, a new or returning player has to do a considerable amount of “homework” to before they can effectively enjoy the game. However, this is not a problem unique to this MMO. Putting aside the issue of mods, I have a case of what I shall term “gaming amnesia”, a malady that becomes increasingly common the more games you play.
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