Destiny 2: Level 20
I bought Destiny 2 on a whim and have so far enjoyed playing through the campaign. My approach to the game has been somewhat casual, so I’ve equipped gear based upon common sense, rather than an in-depth knowledge of the games mechanics. This approach has proven adequate until today, when I finally hit level 20. Now I find moving forward through the game that I feel somewhat under powered and that combat is more taxing. I don’t feel that I’m doing sufficient damage to enemies. That subsequently has an impact upon my enjoyment of the game because I always find that there’s very fine line to tread when it comes to combat. If you can one shot everything then it quickly becomes quite dull. However, if it takes too long to grind down a target the game tips over into becoming a chore. It’s difficult to ascertain exactly where the sweat spot is, and it may vary from gamer to gamer. However, I distinctly feel that I’ve been struggling so today I decided to remedy the problem.
It is at this point in the proceedings that the “git gud” brigade will smugly point to the wealth of information there is available for Destiny 2 and “cordially extend an invitation” to read it. So that’s what I’ve been doing this afternoon and this is what I’ve learnt. Destiny 2 is based upon the acquisition of loot. It’s a classic gear grind which is not such a bad thing. There are worse game mechanics. However, getting new gear is based heavily on chance. You may get lucky and pick up a rare blue engram only to find it’s below your current level. Or you may finally get a new legendary purple weapon to find there’s no significant increase in stats. It’s all somewhat of a lottery, yet you have to live with it as it’s the only means to increase your power once you hit level cap. For me this is a minor nuisance. I get that Bungie has to have a carrot on the end of the stick to keep players engaged but I don’t like “luck” based systems. I prefer to know what criteria needs to be met for a specific goal and then work towards it. The chance of getting zero return on my “time investment” does not excite me.
Then there are the benefits associated with being in a clan. Destiny 2 is a social game and there are perks to be gained through these organisations. However, although I have friends playing Destiny 2, many are based in the US or tied to different platforms. So, finding a suitable group is not as easy as it first appears. I tend not to join guilds in any game unless I know at least one member within their ranks. I am too old and impatient to risk finding myself in a toxic community. Also, my casual approach and laissez-faire attitude tends not to endear me to the more dedicated gamer. So, bearing all this in mind, I suspect my progress within the game may now slow. However, if I get lucky with loot drops, perhaps my current under powered status may improve. Depending on how I progress, I may or may not buy the season pass. Fortunately, if things do not work out, I have plenty of alternative games to focus upon. I guess if I write another post about Destiny 2, it will mean things have worked out favourably, which would be nice as I do enjoy what the game fundamentally offers.