Sniper Elite Resistance: 10 Tips
I have played Sniper Elite for over a decade, through all its various iterations. Although the core game mechanics stay broadly the same, over time a lot of additional features have been added to the game (and some removed). As a result, from time to time I will watch someone playing Sniper Elite via a stream or YouTube and see a feature that I didn’t know existed. Often these are small things but I find that it’s these minor embellishments that tend to prove the most beneficial. Hence, I have drawn up a list of 10 tips to share with fellow Sniper Elite players. Some may be well known, others may not. Due to the recent release of Sniper Elite Resistance, there are a lot of new players joining the community and this post is essentially aimed at them. Please note this is not a tactical guide but simply a list of a few “quality of life” tips .
Shooting Explosives: Barrels, ammunition crates, generators and such like will all explode when shot. As will Grenades and Panzerfausts carried by enemies.
Sliding Down Ladders: You can slide down ladders by pressing shift and S. Similarly you can climb upwards at a faster speed by holding the shift key and W. However, climbing upwards at an accelerated pace will increase your heart rate. Sliding down does not.
Shooting Padlocks: Padlocks can be shot off with armour piercing rounds. This is faster than picking the lock although it will generate noise that may be detected. This tactic is most useful when you encounter a door locked from the otherside.
Active Reload: When reloading your weapon by pressing R, you will see a circular animated icon on screen. If you press R again at the right time (when the animation passes over the thicker part of the circle circumference), your weapon will reload faster.
Scope and Binocular Glint: Scopes on secondary weapons do not have any glint. Neither do binoculars.
Decoys: Decoys are useful against Tanks and other vehicles. They can also be deployed with a countdown timer that then generates noise. Enemies that shoot at the decoy are then tagged. Decoys are invaluable distractions for flanking or a quick escape.
Drop Takedowns: When climbing a wall, if you position yourself above an enemy you can press E to perform a drop down melee kill.
Booby Trapped Corpses: Booby trapped corpses can be thrown or dropped onto enemies and will explode.
Combining Explosives: Setting a Schü-mine near to a block of TNT is a good alternative to a regular mine. The combined explosion is fatal.
Rolling While Prone: You can roll to the left or right when prone by pressing either the left or right arrow keys and the spacebar. This can be effectively used to roll out of cover to shoot and then immediately back.