Sniper Elite Resistance: 10 Invasion Tips
I recently wrote 10 tips for Sniper Elite Resistance. Some simple advice and features to be aware of in the game, that hopefully proved beneficial to both old and new players alike. This time, I want to give some further guidance, specifically for Invasion mode. A few pointers to make hunting down other players easier and more fun. Invading someone else’s single player campaign is a very exciting prospect and many players rush headlong into this game mode without giving any prior consideration to who they may be up against, or how to approach the ensuing hunt. Here are 10 tips that will hopefully help Invading players and improve their overall Invasion experience. There is also a bonus tip at the end of the post for campaign players whose games get invaded.
Play the Campaign:
If you play through the single player campaign you will become familiar with the various mission maps, the different entry points where the player you are hunting may spawn and their respective mission objective locations. This information will help you identify where your prey has been and where they may be going next. You can then make educated guesses as to where they may dig in or set up an ambush for you, if they are proactive in their defense. If you do not wish to hunt your enemy, you can go to locations that they will later visit and await their arrival. A familiarity with all the mission maps makes Invasion mode an organised process, rather than a random search.
Don’t Stand Out:
When you play as a German Sniper Jäger, you have a choice of cosmetic outfits. It is tempting to pick one of the more flamboyant options but the most logical choice is that of a standard Infantryman. You have a much greater chance to blend in with the other NPCs and may not be immediately identified as the invader when approaching the player that you’re hunting.
Know Your Enemy:
When you invade a game, take the time to read the mission settings such as the difficulty and any other customisations such as health regeneration, bullet drop and wind etc. This can give you some indication as to the skill of your enemy or enemies if it’s a co-op game. Check to see what platform the other player(s) are on. Sniper Elite Resistance is currently available on PC and Xbox Game Pass, so a lot of new players are trying the game. However, remember that you may also be facing an experienced player who is playing on a lower difficulty so they can focus on the various collectibles and achievements in the game.
NPCs and the Mini Map:
When invading a game, the most obvious way to monitor activity across a mission map is to tag all NPCs. This can be done via your binoculars or the telescopic sight of your rifle. However, using the binoculars is preferable as it is permanent. You can also tag NPCs that are close, by using High Alert. This tags them and makes them extra vigilant for a short time. Tagged NPCs show on your mini map and changes in their status are denoted by the colour altering from blue, to yellow to red. If an NPC that you’ve tagged is shot, a white X shows on the map. If the enemy gets into a firefight with the NPCs their position can eventually be triangulated. This is indicated by a spinning red triangle on the minimap. These visual cues are invaluable.
Follow the Clues:
There is an element of detective work involved in Invasion mode. When you spawn into a game, look for areas without NPCs, damaged vehicles, a trail of bodies or completed objectives. If you inspect corpses with your binoculars, you’ll find a colour coding system that indicates how long they’ve been dead. White is recent, yellow is several minutes and red is over 15 minutes. Always be careful around corpses as they may be boobytrapped. As your enemy progresses through their mission you will receive notification of their progress.
Use Your Binoculars:
Use your binoculars for reconnaissance. Your sniper scope gives off a very obvious glint, while your binoculars do not. If you spot your enemy with binoculars it is not essential to tag them as this alerts them that they’ve been seen. Binoculars also reveal NPC dialogue, irrespective of your distance, which can be useful.
Lures and Traps:
Mining choke points, mission objectives and elevated positions that afford a wide view can often yield results. A mine will not necessarily kill an enemy outright but it will diminish their health and tag them. Combined explosions are lethal. Decoys and lures can also prove useful for drawing enemy fire and triangulating their position.
High Ground:
High ground often provides clear and far reaching views. However, the enemy will also seek these out. It should also be noted that the sniper that you’re hunting has access to armour piercing rounds and you do not. You can be shot through a brick wall. Hence, weigh up the pros and cons of seeking high ground before doing so. When using a tower or something similar, mine the steps behind you and use a decoy if possible.
Customise Your Loadout:
As a Sniper Jäger with a clear hunt and kill objective, you do not have to be especially worried about stealth. Once you spot your target you need to hit fast and hard. Hence customise your loadout accordingly. Opt for weapons that have a high rate of fire and that do heavy damage. The Gewehr 43 is a more practical rifle in this respect, than the Karabiner 98. For SMGs and pistols, customise with extended magazines as well as barrels and receivers that do higher damage. Grenades are very versatile weapons and should be included in your loadout.
Audio Cues:
Listen for gun fire, sabotaged generators and NPC dialogue as these can be invaluable clues as to your enemy’s location or passage through the map. If the enemy is close, you can often hear them use the Invasion Phone.
Bonus Tips:
If you’re the player whose game is being invaded, you may wish to cease your current activities and dig in somewhere at a location that is defendable. Or you may choose to proactively hunt the invading Sniper Jäger. Ignoring an ongoing invasion is a high risk strategy.
Use your Focus ability continuously. Too many players simply forget about it. It tells you what direction the enemy is coming from on the minimap and displays a continuous red circle when they are very close.
Pre-aim corners and swap to a SMG or trench gun for close quarters combat.
Be prepared to simply run into your opponent by chance. Sometimes there is so much going on, you can walk right past each other.
Be mindful of bravura kills. Stealth takedowns can be tricky and they sometimes glitch out if your opponent moves. A fancy knife kill or drop down melee attack may look cool but can fail. Sometimes a simple bullet to the head when the opportunity presents itself is the better option.