LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 3
I’ve been busy this weekend, so it wasn’t until late afternoon today that I found time to sit down and attempt to migrate my characters from the old 32-bit server Laurelin, to the new 64-bit server Meriadoc. The “Great Server Migration” has not gone smoothly and the week has been a litany of changing deadlines and unfulfilled expectations. However, developer’s Standing Stone Games, have been “firefighting” issues on a daily basis and communicating regularly with the player base of the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online. Sadly, a lot of players have not responded well to the ongoing technical difficulties and there is subsequently a lot of ill feeling on the official forums. I have chosen to adopt a more pragmatic outlook and to let events run their course.
At 16:50 GMT today I started the LOTRO client launcher and saw that the transfer service button was available. I chose to migrate all three of my characters from Laurelin to Meriadoc and followed the process as stated in SSG’s migration notes. At first all appeared to be working as intended. However, I received an error message at the very end of the process indicating that it had failed. I then took a break and returned to my PC at 17:20 GMT and repeated the process. It took a few minutes and it was clear that this procedure was running somewhat slow but it was quicker than my previous unsuccessful attempt. This time round there were no errors and I received a confirmation message on screen. I have no idea how long it takes to migrate data from one server to another. I am writing this post at 23:00 GMT and my characters have neither left its old home nor arrived at its new destination.
I have one alt left, that I haven’t yet moved. They are based on the US server Landoval and I intend to move them to Peregrin. I shall attempt this tomorrow morning after I’ve checked to see if my initial transfer has been completed. Furthermore, I shall record the process and share it on YouTube. It may be of use to those who are concerned about this entire migration or unfamiliar with the transfer process. In the meantime, my advice to LOTRO players is to wait a little longer before attempting to migrate your characters to a new server. Let SSG process the backlog of data that is still outstanding. I chose to move servers now, mainly so I could write about the process. I suspect it will be a lot smoother in a week's time. Until then, stay put on your current server and do some in-game housekeeping to make your move easier when you decide to leave. I’ll post an update when my alts arrive on Meriadoc.