LOTRO: River-hobbits Preview
There have been four test previews of Update 37 for the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online, recently on the Bullroarer test server. I only managed to briefly log in on the 1st of August, specifically to check out the new River-hobbit race. During my brief time on Bullroarer I investigated their respective character creation options and after quickly throwing together a new alt, logged into the game itself. Because I have been absent from both LOTRO and the official forums of late, I was not aware of any of the details surrounding River-hobbits. I was somewhat surprised that they hailed from Lyndelby in the Wells of Langflood. As I was short on time, I didn’t play through the new bespoke starter story associated with the new race. I logged out with the intention of returning during the next beta test but sadly I missed it. Hence I have spent the last few days reading several blogs and the official game forums to find out more about River-hobbits and how well they’ve been received so far.
Let it suffice to say, River-hobbits as they exist after 4 rounds of testing, have not met with universal acclaim. Broadly speaking I would say opinion on the official forums is equally divided on the matter. However, I tend to be ambivalent of this particular platform as it is not sufficiently representative of the wider LOTRO community. There are a lot of personalities who regularly contribute and participate in the various discussions there who struggle with objective criticism and acceptance of contrary opinions. That notwithstanding, based upon what I’ve seen and more importantly read so far, the objections raised are as follows.
The current River-hobbit character models are not sufficiently “hobbit” like. They look more akin to scaled down human assets.
The representation of River-hobbits seems to be canonically problematic and the associated in-game lore seems deliberately ambiguous.
The overall level and quality of development of this new race seems to be “minimal”. IE Too many reused and repurposed in-game assets. Indifferent writing and insufficient effort being put into the undertaking.
All of which tallies with what I’ve seen so far of River-hobbits. I was surprised to see how “un-hobbit like” the character models were when I logged into the test server at the beginning of the month. I was somewhat disappointed that Lyndelby had been chosen as the starter location for the new race. This remote and deliberately hidden village is already established via a prior update and is clearly an agrarian settlement. There is a river for irrigation purposes but the environment does not immediately seem an ideal fit for this new race. For me, River-hobbits conjures up images of a community specifically linked with waterways. IE One that uses boats, fishes and has homes on the river bank or on a boardwalk. Perhaps even a few adventurous denizens have houseboats.
One of the reasons that I have drifted away from LOTRO is that it never seems to be able to step beyond the technical and creative confines it has made for itself. I applaud wholeheartedly the fact that new content is continuously added to the game. But it is always “more of the same”. No more, no less. I appreciate that trying to do something radical with a game running on code from before 2007 is not easy. Yet, the developers seem to have a mindset of not even trying to think outside the box. Using the blanket excuse of “old code and technical difficulties” to absolve themselves from trying anything new is far from edifying. But it can be argued that Standing Stone Games have always been their own worst enemy. In the meantime let us wait and see if any further meaningful changes are made to River-hobbits. I suspect that after 4 beta tests, apart from some aesthetic tweaks, what you currently see will be what you get in the final release. How it is received by regular players will be interesting.