LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 2
Standing Stone Games were scheduled to open their new 64-bit servers for the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online, today. However, when the free transfer service went live yesterday, it was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of players trying to migrate their alts from the older 32-bit servers to the new ones. Eventually SSG had to disable the transfer facility so that they could process the backlog. Hence today’s launch of the new servers has been postponed till tomorrow. In the meantime, the official LOTRO forum’s have gone into meltdown with irate players berating the developers for handling the migration poorly. True to form, SSG have been somewhat defensive and prickly in response to what they see as unjust criticism. Let it suffice to say that neither party has covered themselves in glory and there is a good chance that the technical problems will persist a while longer.
So far, as stated in my previous post, all I have done is create placeholder alts on the new server that I intend to move to. I didn’t attempt to migrate any of my characters yesterday because I suspected that the service would grind to a halt under the volume of users. Those who did manage to initiate a transfer request currently find their alts in “gaming limbo”. They cannot access their characters on their old server and the new servers aren’t open yet. Not exactly an ideal situation. Hence the pushback from players on the official forums. According to feedback from SSG, the slow performance of the transfer service is specifically due to housing claims and moving kinships. If the backlog isn’t addressed in the next 24 hours they have hinted that they may defer opening the new servers further.
After working IT for several decades and having been involved in several major server migrations, I am painfully aware that there is always scope for something unforeseen to crop up and derail the most well planned project. However, SSG seem bamboozled by the fact that a substantial percentage of their player base have done exactly what they were encouraged to do. Namely, transfer their alts to the new 64-bit servers, on the day stipulated in SSG. It seems somewhat odd to publish a timetable and then be surprised when people follow it to the letter. Sadly, this isn’t the first time that SSG have been wrongfooted by their own plans and it probably won’t be the last. Which is why a lot of LOTRO players have chosen to adopt a “wait and see” policy, like that of UK Prime Minister Herbert Asquith. Let us see what tomorrow brings.
Update: While writing this post, SSG have announced that the new 64-bit servers are now going to open on Friday 7th March. Furthermore, the transfer service will return on Thursday 6th March, possibly as early as 8:00 AM EST. However, all dates are potentially subject to change.