LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 4
It has not been a good week for the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online and its developer Standing Stone Games. The migration from legacy 32-bit servers to 64-bit servers has not gone smoothly. The transfer queue was overwhelmed by the sheer number of accounts and it has taken far longer than expected to process the backlog of requests. Today has been the fifth day of waiting to see if my 3 main characters from Laurelin server have successfully migrated to their new home on Meriadoc. When I checked this morning, the transfer wizard indicated that my characters were back where they originally came from. I therefore considered repeating the entire process. However, around midday, Community Manager Cordovan indicated that SSG had caught up with transfer requests made around 8:00 AM EST on Sunday 9th March. So I decided to be patient and wait a little longer.
I logged into Meriadoc server again this evening, at approximately 21:00 and found that my three characters had successfully arrived. All three now have their existing names appended with a “-1” so it just remains for me to delete the placeholder alts that I created and to use the “/changename” command to rename my migrated characters and reclaim their correct identities. I have a final alt that is transferring from Landroval to Peregrin server but that has yet to arrive. I did initiate that transfer 24 hours after the first, so it is logical that it has yet to be processed. I have decided not to replace my premium house which I sold prior to migrating. I intend to start playing through the latest expansion and enjoying the benefits of the new 64-bit server. I am for the present without a kinship and it remains to be seen whether my old one will move or not. It may even be time to find a new home.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes for SSG to catch up with all the outstanding transfer requests and whether the same problem occurs again when more players decide to move. The new 64-bit servers were a perfect opportunity for LOTRO to relaunch itself and try to attract new players. Sadly, this issue has received quite a lot of coverage in video games media and it hasn’t been positive. Furthermore, it is not the first time that the game’s developers have shot themselves in the foot. However, the LOTRO player base is very loyal and as there isn’t another Middle-earth themed multiplayer game in town, there’s a good chance that the community will forgive SSG at some point. Maybe we’ll all be laughing about this in the summer. In the meantime, good luck to those still waiting for their alts to turn up on their new servers. As for those who have chosen not to migrate, sit tight.