New Mini-expansion Coming to LOTRO in September
Today Standing Stone Games formally announced their next mini-expansion for the MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online. Before the Shadow will be available in September and as recent leaks have shown, will include Cardolan and Swanfleet as new zones for the game. The new content will be between levels 1 and 32. SSG press release stated “Before the Shadow will send players into two new regions, Swanfleet and Cardolan, as Boromir makes his way north to Rivendell ahead of the meeting of what will eventually become the Fellowship of the Ring while the Nazgûl search for “Baggins” in the peaceful land of the Shire. Players will discover the threat rising from Mordor and Saruman's Uruks as they explore the far history of Middle-earth!”
In addition to the new zones, Before the Shadow offers four new Epic Books for new characters. There is also a new six-person Instance for players with high end alts. Plus there is the addition of a new Skirmish to the game, something that hasn’t happened for a while. The press release also refers to a “Delving difficulty system that will offer new rewards and challenges”, although exactly what this is I am not sure. SSG have not at present clarified as to whether the mini-expansion will feature the River-hobbits race and that the new zone is a new starter area, although it is reasonable to assume so. Further information will become available as the pre-order date comes closer. At present, it may be relevant to consider the previous mini-expansion pre-order, War of Three Peaks, to determine what additional type of content and bonuses may be included.
Over the course of the last fifteen years, there have only ever been two content releases formally designated as mini-expansions for The Lord of the Rings Online. The first Siege of Mirkwood was released in December 2009 and the second War of Three Peaks launched in October 2020. Both were met with a degree of controversy, not so much over the quality of their content, but more so over their respective value for money. It will be interesting to see if the usual three tier price model is still used and whether prices will remain the same or increase. If this mini-expansion does offer a new starter zone, are developers SSG expecting an influx of new players due to interest stemming from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power? Such a thing was mentioned by owners EG7 in their investor presentation nearly 2 years ago. I look forward to learning more about Before the Shadow in the immediate future.