Goodbye 2024
In my teenage years, there was a social obligation to go out on New Year’s Eve. This often meant congregating in some dismal pub, queuing at the bar for 30 minutes to get a drink, then trying to find a corner where you could stand and struggle to have a conversation with your friends, above the noise of the crowd. The evening was dull, noisy and often ended in a fight. Then, around 1:00 AM we were summarily turfed out into the street and had to make our way home. Buses always run at this time of year to serve a public need but the “drunk express” was never a pleasant means of transportation. Quite frankly the whole experience was shit but the hubris of youth meant we deluded ourselves that we were having a good time. If someone suggested something similar today, I would laugh in their face. I am happy to spend New Year’s Eve indoors and away from it all.
As for 2024 it hasn’t been an especially good year. Mrs P and I have had a lot of health issues which hopefully have now been addressed. We want to get back into the habit of having an extended weekend away each quarter in 2025. It’s nice to have social activities and events of your choice on the calendar and have something to look forward to. On a personal note my return to writing has been beneficial for my mental well being. I like setting an alarm and getting up early to write while my brain is still fresh. Once the seasonal celebrations are finally over, I am aiming to write every day in 2025 if possible. I also have some other projects to pursue which require learning new skills. It is important to keep the mind active and not to lapse into a purely sedentary and unchallenging lifestyle.
Outside of my immediate life 2025 is not looking like a good year with regard to geopolitics. However, I am not going to allow myself to be excessively anxious about it. Mrs P and I have discussed practical things that we may have to address, such as shortages or increasing inflation. Beyond that it’s really just a question of battening down the hatches and weathering the storm. By storm I mean the tsunami of bullshit that is going to hit the news cycle and the consequences of it. However, there are also some simple steps you can take to improve your state of mind and stay positive. Limiting your time on social media. Reading only the news headlines, rather than wallowing in the endless speculation and negative conjecture. I find keeping busy also helps. Sometimes, it’s best not to look too far into the future. Instead just focus on the present and take things one day at a time.
Happy New Year.