A Cyclical Discourse
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Two years ago I wrote about how so much of the public discourse surrounding video games is accusatory, partisan and bellicose. It was written in response to a Tweet from game reviewer and YouTube personality, Jake Baldino, who was perplexed at why his hobby of choice was becoming so “shitty”. More recently I touched upon how I appear to be repeating myself with regard to my gaming commentaries, here on this blog. It seems that many of the subjects and talking points discussed via Contains Moderate Peril come back time and time again. Today media pundit James Stephanie Sterling explored the subject of “cyclical gamer discourse” in the latest episode of their topical gaming show The Jimquisition. It’s a stark and rather angry analysis of how the same debates habitually return and that nothing is ever learned from the heated debates associated with them. Sterling ended their 18 minute video with the bleak conclusion that “You have two choices when it comes to game discourse. Repeat yourself or shut up”.
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