Cyberpunk 2077: Too Much Information
In 1979 I started learning French, as it was a standard part of the UK school curriculum then. For the first year or two, I remember learning the rules of French grammar and keeping pace with what was being taught. And then in the third year, something odd happened. I was asked a question one day and my mind was blank. This wasn’t a case of forgetting something that one can recall when prompted. No. This was due to an informational void. I found myself at a point where I was suddenly and totally out of my depth. Somehow in the months prior, I had reached a point where I had stopped comprehending and absorbing what was being taught. And I had now strayed beyond and was no longer equipped to deal with the situation. For those wondering where I am going with this analogy, allow me to clarify. I found myself in a similar situation with the role playing game, Cyberpunk 2077, within hours (not years) of starting it.
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