Have You Ever... The Gaming Edition!
Oh look, another internet questionnaire blog post. By now you must be aware of my weakness for these sorts of things (if not then take a look at the links to related posts at the bottom of this article). It would appear that the “never have I ever” format has been adapted and we now have a “have you ever” set of questions specifically aimed at gamers. As usual some of the questions are trivial but others offer scope for quite interesting responses. Etiquette dictates that I credit those who have already participated and answered these questions. They are as follows. Michelle over at A Geek Girl’s Guide. Pix1001 from Shoot The Rookie. Joseph Skyrim’s post can be found at JVT Workshop and pkudude99 share their thoughts at Nomadic Gamers. Do check out their take on the questions as there are some interesting replies. On to the questions and answers.
Q: Have you ever rage quit a game?
A: In the past, I have logged out of games when frustrated. But I don’t recall ever going the whole hog and logging out and immediately uninstalling a game. I try not to take things so personally these days. I try to foster a mindset that something can only bother you and get under your skin if you choose for it to do so. I do however, leave group games such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone if they’re not proving to be fun or I’m playing against demonstrably superior players. I don’t see games as a test of character or some sort of rite of passage. They are services designed to provide enjoyment. I am a consumer and customer, not a zealous neophyte.
Q: Have you ever earned all achievements in a game?
A: Not that I am aware. However, I’m not motivated by such things, especially if all they reward you with is a title.
Q: Have you ever pulled an all-nighter gaming?
A: More times than I care to remember, although they are less frequent these days. However between 2007 and 2016, a period during which I lived alone, I would frequently burn the proverbial midnight oil. MMOs were at one point, a major source of all-night gaming sessions. Especially raids and tricky group content. It’s also relevant to point out that I never pulled an all-nighter gaming for negative reasons. It was all about having fun and from time to time being like a dog with a bone and chasing some reward. Nowadays, if I stay up late gaming, I usually only make it to about 3:00 AM.
Q: Have you ever live-streamed your gaming?
A: I’ve had several goes at streaming. At one point I thought that it may be an interesting alternative to podcasting. But ultimately, I find talking while playing a game difficult. It’s kind of like patting your head while rubbing your belly. If I concentrate on the talking, then the gameplay suffers. If I focus on the gameplay, then banter dries up. So my attempts never quite worked out. Plus another obstacle to cultivating a successful Twitch audience is the fact I swear like a trooper. I have no problem with profanity if used to underpin a strong sentiment. But both Twitch TV and YouTube are becoming generic corporate platforms and such “freedom of expression” does not fit with their business model.
Q: Have you ever pre-ordered a game?
A: I have in the past but having learned the hard way that paying up front is not always the best move, I seldom do it these days. When it comes to games from big companies, I like to wait a while so that all the bugs get fixed and that there are plenty of YouTube videos available to help me with tricky content.
Q: Have you ever bought a game and never played it?
A: Well I’ve bought a lot of game bundles, usually for a specific title, so there have often been games included with the deal that have shall we politely say, “fallen by the wayside”. But if we’re talking about more expensive, contemporary releases from so-called triple A publishers,I think I’ve always played what I’ve purchased. However, let me qualify that statement by adding that on occasions I’ve quickly found out that I don’t like what I’ve bought and those particular titles get uninstalled promptly.
Q: Have you ever been jump-scared by a horror game?
A: Yes, there have been some games that have caught me out with a jump scare. However, I have an abiding love of cinema, especially the horror genre. I’m not a fan of jump scares because they are relatively easy to achieve. Therefore any film that relies upon them too much is somewhat of a one trick pony. hence, I feel exactly the same when such a tactic is ported over to video games. Atmosphere, narrative, aesthetics, context and a whole host of other more subtle tools can be used to produce much better scares. However, for the sake of balance, the occasional jump scare, if thoughtfully used can be acceptable.
Q: Have you ever had a set squad for a specific game?
A: No. The nearest I’ve got to this was back in my early MMO days. I played The Lord of the Rings Online with an active kinship (guild) so we always had competent players available to do the heavy lifting when it came to raids and instances. I’ve also over the years spent time in games where I’ve known other players and duo’d with them from time to time. But nowadays, I only group when I have to or if the game has an easy “auto grouping” facility like Star Trek Online.
Q: Have you ever bought a game on multiple platforms?
A: Only once. I owned Unreal Tournament (1999 edition) for the PC and subsequently bought it again when I purchased a bundle of games for the Sega Dreamcast. Since 2000 I have played games exclusively on the PC.
Q: Have you ever got a console for the games specifically?
A: I really wanted to play Red Dead Redemption when it came out and seriously considered buying a Playstation 3 to do so. But having to use a game controller instead of keyboard and mouse was the main stumping block so I didn’t actually do it. I recently gave serious thought to purchasing a Nintendo Switch but the main reason I didn’t is because there wasn’t a specific title that seemed “essential” to me. Unless the latest generation of consoles offers something groundbreaking, I don’t think I’m destined to buy one ever again.