Star Trek Online: Trait Bug
All MMORPGs have bugs. It is a certainty in life, just like death and taxes. However, some have more than others. I’m sure we could argue for hours as to which particular game has the most but I’ll leave that discussion to others. Star Trek Online has its share, many of which have persisted for years. But there is one that stands out, due to its longevity and sheer annoyance. To be specific, the “trait bug”. Like many MMO’s STO has a trait system that offers a range of passive or active buffs, skill boosts and statistical tweaks. STO is very much a number game, especially if you are chasing a high DPS output, which lots of players do. The trait bug is the random “unslotting” of some of your characters traits. It can affect any of the seven categories of traits but tends to most often happen to Personal Space Traits and Starship Traits. Unless you regularly check, most players will not immediately know this has happened.
The trait bug tends to happen when changing instances within STO. IE When transitioning from sector space to system space or when travelling to a planet surface or visiting a space station. It can also happen after the release of any content update. As STO rotates through a schedule of yearly events, the bug manifests itself quite regularly. However, despite it persisting in the game years, it is hard to pin down a specific set of factors that cause it. It is capricious by nature, which makes it more frustrating. The “unslotting” of traits will impact upon space and ground combat and it is often the feeling that your current build feels “gimped” that leads players to discover that a selection of random traits have vanished from their existing setup. A further source of annoyance is the fact that there isn’t a permanent fix or a workaround that is 100% effective.
At present, the nearest I have got to a solution is as follows. Clear all existing traits and save to a new loadout. Overwrite existing loadouts to remove them. Log out of the game and close the client. Then log back in. Go to system space above the homeworld of your faction. Set all your traits as you desire and save the loadout. I would also advise taking a screenshot or making a written note of your trait selection. This broadly works but can fail after a content update. This bug is an especially poor reflection upon Cryptic because it has been around so long. I would happily forgo a content update, if the developers spent time and resources on a comprehensive bug fix. Sadly, I suspect that is not going to happen. In the meantime, if anyone has any other workarounds, I’d be interested to know them.