Blaugust 2023: Lessons Learned
This is the last week of Blaugust 2023: Festival of Blogging and it is customary at this point to reflect on the event and one’s own contribution to it. For me, the stand out aspect of this year is the number of people participating and the diversity of blogs. I find it most reassuring that so many people have chosen to express themselves online and share their thoughts and insights. It has also been most gratifying to see so many people join the Discord server. There have been a lot of interesting and enjoyable discussions over the last few weeks. I hope that the support and resources available have proven useful for new and returning bloggers and that the event has been beneficial for them. I always find that Blaugust is good for bolstering my enthusiasm for writing and getting me back in the proverbial saddle.
September is now on the horizon and in many ways it offers the hardest challenge of all for new bloggers or those that have recently returned. That being to keep blogging and to find some sort of routine or schedule that is appropriate. Sadly, some bloggerss will become increasingly intermittent in their output and a few will go into a hiatus. Such is the nature of blogging. Not everyone has a work/life balance that can sustain it and it is also fair to say that some will discover that as a hobby, blogging simply isn’t for them. But that is part of what Blaugust is about. It is an opportunity to work out and explore one’s own relationship with writing. What approach works for you and what motivates you to write or produce the material that you do. It is about being realistic and honest with yourself.
I have found, once again, that Blaugust has provided the impetus to encourage me to write every day. I think this just comes down to being in the company of like minded individuals, who are all trying to do the same. The event also provides a tremendous sense of satisfaction in seeing a series of posts build up over the course of the month. And it is nice to engage with those who leave comments. What I would like to do in the months ahead is see if I can increase the readership, which has naturally declined during the period I have not been writing. I am hoping that regularly blogging about Starfield will prove an enjoyable experience and of potential interest to readers. In the meantime I need to revisit the Blaugust Achievement list and determine which ones I can claim. To everyone else who participated, well done. I hope you’ve had a successful Blaugust.