Blog Post Counter
I used WordPress as a website platform for 5 years. One of the things I used to like about it was the ability to track data and generate stats. However, I moved Contains Moderate Peril to Squarespace in 2015 for technical and financial reasons. I’ve been broadly happy with the results but there are a few niggles. Squarespace has a solid analytical package available which provides an adequate summary of website traffic. I can also determine what keywords have been used for searching the site and what posts are popular. However, basic information such as how many blog posts I’ve made over the last 9 years is conspicuously absent. I also have no obvious way of finding out what the average length of a blog post is or what the estimated reading time is.
As Squarespace lacks such functionality by default, it would appear that I have to look to third party plugins to provide such services. So far several Google searches have proven unproductive. The results tend to lean more towards post views and associated data. All I want is a simple counter that keeps a tally of how many blog posts have been published to the site. It doesn’t strike me as an unreasonable statistic to track. Another thing I have noticed about Squarespace plugins is that many of them are chargeable. I am not against this in principle but $70 is not pocket change. Running a blog already comes with a cost and in recent years that has increased due to inflation. I don’t want to pay $70 for a simple backend blog post counter unless there really is no other option, so I’ll keep looking for cheaper options.
I want a blog post counter primarily for my own benefit. A simple means to keep an eye on how much material is hosted on Contains Moderate Peril. Upon reflection, having such a counter on the public side of the blog could be of use. It may convey to new readers a sense of consistency. That content is posted regularly, which is often a factor when it comes to growing an audience. However, until I find a suitable post counter, I have simply counted all my published content manually. To date, there are 1,890 posts on this blog, which isn’t too shabby. Some are related to ephemeral news stories but the film, TV and book reviews have much greater longevity. These make up the bulk of traffic to the blog. Maybe if I can find an appropriate counter it should be included along with the site search facility. I have a feeling this could become a New Year project.