Get Ready For Blaugust 2022
Yes, it's that time of year again. When our community of bloggers, streamers and podcasters come together for Blaugust 2022. The event is intended to celebrate independent content creators and their work, as well as encouraging those who are new or and returning to the field. Blaugust 2022 is all about offering a helping hand, sharing each other’s work and having fun. It is an event I participate in every year and one that I find personally very beneficial. It is a great way to meet and support new writers and make friends. I also find that Blaugust is key to revitalising my own enthusiasm for writing, which flags from time to time. I’ve been blogging in some shape or form for over 15 years and like any hobby, my relationship with it ebbs and flows. At present I’m not writing as much as usual and finding it harder to find subjects I wish to explore.
The last few years have been tough economically, politically and socially. The pandemic compounded these issues further hence many people currently feel that they’re struggling up a hill, rather than riding along on the crest of a wave. My enthusiasm for many of my hobbies and interests is somewhat low at present. I am far from impressed with mainstream filmmaking and frequently struggle to find anything that is more than adequate. TV offers a lot of choice but I prefer self contained stories that have endings, rather than shows that just run and run. Politics and social issues are partisan and acrimonious, as is the public discourse associated with them. Hence writing about such things is not particularly desirable at present. Constructive criticism can be valid but a continuous diet material that is essentially negative is exhausting. Hence, I need to broaden what I write about.
Blaugust provides helpful advice
Fortunately, Blaugust 2022 provides a useful vehicle for such change. Firstly, the event offers some writing prompts which are always useful if you’re coming up short on ideas. Replying and engaging with other writer’s posts is also another useful source of inspiration. As I’ve stated in the past, I’m a sucker for internet questionnaires. I always enjoy the challenge of answering some thoughtful (or frivolous) questions. If you don’t want to answer any questions you can always set some instead. As someone who writes, streams or podcasts, you have far more freedom to explore a range of subjects than you imagine. Especially if you’re not exclusively wedded to one game or particular subject. Your audience follows you often because of your personality and they will give you a lot more leeway than you imagine. I read a lot of blogs that discuss subjects that I’m not that interested in but I like the way the author thinks and expresses themselves.
So with all this in mind, I’m hoping to get back into my writing groove and see if I can blog everyday for the entirety of August. I am looking forward to reading new blogs and possibly seeing some former bloggers return to the fold. If you’re interested in participating in Blaugust 2022 then please read Belghast’s post which tells you everything you need to know about the event. Bel is the Shaolin Master of the event and an integral part of the social glue that keeps it going. There’s a FAQ that explains the purpose of this yearly event, details of where to sign up, the month’s schedule and a lot of useful resources. There’s also a Discord server that is very friendly. And remember, Blaugust is about having fun and participating. There are no “rules” and the event schedule and writing prompts are for guidance only. If you want to take part you’re welcome to do so in any manner that makes you happy.