The Lord of the Rings Online: Echoes of Angmar
Much to my surprise I recently discovered that there is a private server currently in development, based upon an early iteration of The Lord of the Rings Online. Called Echoes of Angmar, this is a version of the popular Middle-earth based MMORPG as it was in late October 2007. The team that is managing this project, which recently completed alpha testing, wishes to make available a free version of LOTRO based on original code from the time. Echoes of Angmar will include all content upto and including Book 11: Defenders of Eriador. Hence there will be no cosmetic items, no quest tracker and no streamlined levelling. The level cap will be 50. PvMP will not be available upon initial release but will be implemented later. Echoes of Angmar will therefore be a very different experience compared to LOTRO as it is today on the current live servers.
There are numerous talking points stemming from this project. Perhaps the most obvious is the fact that Standing Stone Games have stated clearly on several occasions that they have no pressing desire to release a “classic” version of LOTRO themselves. Furthermore, for technical reasons it would be a complex project which would be a drain on development resources. Some long term LOTRO players have inferred that SSG may not even have access to the appropriate code or that they have necessary in-house expertise to undertake such a task. Yet, despite all these claims and counterclaims, we see a third party quietly going ahead and creating a so-called “classic” server. If the recent YouTube video which features alpha footage is anything to go by, the project seems to be progressing very well. The Echoes of Angmar team have stated that a more in-depth reveal and sneak peak will be coming “soon”.
A perennial question associated with the release of any “classic” MMO server, is whether there is a genuine and sustainable player base available to support the game. Or are players simply allowing a sense of nostalgia to cloud their judgement and desire something that may not ultimately hold their interest. SSG developer Jeff Libby (AKA MadeOfLions) has often made this argument, as did Blizzard with regard to WoW “Classic”. However, I frequent a multitude of LOTRO based online communities, such as forums, subreddits and Discord servers and I regularly encounter players who express a desire to return to the base game as it was at launch. These are players that currently confine their activities to Eriador on the existing liver servers and continuously re-roll alts to exclusively play the Shadows of Angmar content. Therefore I suspect that there is sufficient interest within the wider LOTRO community to justify the existence of Echoes of Angmar.
Perhaps the biggest elephant in the room is the fact that LOTRO is still an active MMO. It is actively being developed and makes money for its corporate owners. It is one thing to create a private server for a game that has been officially closed such as Star Wars: Galaxies. It is a different matter altogether to create an unofficial version of an existing product. I will not wade into the ethics or legality of this matter, not only because I am unqualified to do so, but because I do have an interest in seeing Echoes of Angmar come to fruition. So I am not an impartial observer. However, I am curious to see if there will be any pushback from either SSG, Daybreak or EG7. The team behind Echoes of Angmar have been quite open about what they’re doing, having published the aforementioned video. They didn’t object to me writing this post. So there is a chance that the rights holders already know. It will be interesting to see what happens in the meantime.