Secret World Legends
Writing a lengthy article as to why you don’t like a game is often a bad idea. It seldom makes for a good post unless you are humorous or have a cogent point to make. Often all the anger, bile and vitriol can be distilled down to the following. “I wanted X and they (the developers) gave me Y”. Its a simple question of differing expectations and personal taste. Well that is what we have here. Simply put, the changes made to The Secret World in its transition to Secret World Legends are insufficient for me to change my overall view of the game. Specifically, I still do not like the combat system and find the UI esoteric and unintuitive. It is easier to play the game now so theoretically I can soldier on to see the narrative that I previously missed. But I still have to endure an unsatisfactory fighting style to do this and that is a big enough hurdle for me to possibly conclude “it’s not worth it”.
One of the things that attracted me to The Secret World when it was initially being beta tested was the idea of the supernatural being countered with modern technology. Thus, firearms were and remain my weapons of choice. However, combat was clunky and awkward at that stage in the games lifespan. I never got the sense that the assault rifle was doing any substantial damage and had to constantly back pedal to stay alive. It was dull and time consuming to clear mobs and make progress. Sadly, despite a streamlining of the combat system in Secret World Legends and a noticeable reduction of skills bloat, combat with pistols and the like, still feels woefully unsatisfying. Yes, foes do now die quicker and I now have a reticule to aim but that is about all that has changed.
What I expected, hoped for, wanted (and I accept the inherent fallacy of thinking in such terms with regards to gaming. After all you get what you’re given and nothing more) was a tangible gun mechanic. Something that felt substantial IE when you fire the gun the enemy took major damage, or recoiled, or at least gave the impression that this was inconvenient for them. However, the problem is where you can credibly scale the DPS of certain weapons or types of attack to suit an MMORPGs progression system, it’s far harder to do with the arbitrary functionality of guns. Firearms do damage per se, based on calibre and rate of fire. Scaling their damage to fit in with the games levelling system renders them tediously impotent at the initial stages of the game. This may come down to perception and they’re probably doing a comparable amount of damage to any other weapon type. But it just feels off and I don’t like wearing mobs down gradually with a pea-shooter.
So, I’ll try to look beyond this “obstacle” and see if I can muster up the interest to persevere with Secret World Legends in the next few days but there’s a fifty-fifty chance I’ll just get bored and move on to pastures new. Oh, and to address some of the inevitable comments one expects from the gaming cognoscenti, firstly, no I don’t want to try any other weapons. I chose guns for a reason. If there was something else I liked I would have picked them. Secondly, no I’m not saying that Secret World Legends is an awful game etc. I am simply highlighting that it has failed to “float my boat” and that comes down to a simple question of taste. As for catching up with the narrative, I’m sure I can probably watch all the relevant cutscenes on You Tube. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d done that to check out a game’s story, without having to go to the hassle of playing it.