A Month in Gaming
Every other video game blogger I know writes a monthly summary of what they’ve been playing and then details what they hope to achieve in-game over the next four weeks. It’s a very effective example of blogging as it’s easily to relate to and it’s nice to see what everyone else is focusing their “gaming attention” on. So I’ve decided to do the same. It’s a relatively straight forward post to write and it also makes collating an end of year analysis of my gaming habits a lot easier. So here is a broad breakdown of what I got up to last month, gaming wise.
February in review:
I initially put off starting the Siege of Mirkwood expansion in LOTRO because it remains as frustrating a zone as it was back upon its release in 2009. The mobs are densely packed and it’s a dull and dismal region that’s difficult to navigate. So I spent some time levelling both in Enedwaith and in The Great River zones, which was more enjoyable and challenging. Having reached level 70 on my Guardian a few days ago, I have now returned to Southern Mirkwood and will blitz through the Epic Story. As I’ve out levelled the content, this shouldn’t be such an uphill struggle and I can focus on the narrative which is the main point of interest for me at present.
Having created a new Discovery era alt in Star Trek Online, I’ve been working my way through the various episodic missions and it’s been quite a revelation. Like LOTRO, a lot of the earlier content found in the game has been revised, streamlined and has new cutscenes added. Hence there are cameo appearances by Trek actors early on in the game. However, although the stories do make sense, there are often details and embellishments to be found when you create a new alt from a different race and experience the same story form a different perspective. Also levelling this new alt is proving a lot easier this time round as I have access to a lot of account wide assets, that I’ve unlocked on previous characters. Playing through at a lower level makes experimenting with different ship builds a lot cheaper.
Alas, my return to Tamriel has stalled and I haven’t progressed beyond installing ESO and tweaking my addons. Plus to effectively play the game, it’s best to subscribe as this unlocks all DLC and gives the player a separate crafting inventory, which greatly improves loot management. However, I don’t really want to subscribe until I’m in a position to play the game regularly and at present I don’t think that’s a realistic option. I am beginning to come to terms with the fact that my present circumstances only allow me to focus on two MMOs. However, I shall keep ESO installed and updated, just in case things change.
March Goals:
I’m currently re-installing the Bullroarer test client for LOTRO, as SSG were hinting recently that new content would be available for testing soon. LOTRO is currently saddled with a very slow installer that drags on for hours, irrespective of the speed of your internet connection, so I thought it best to get this copy of the game installed now, rather than on the day when Bullroarer next goes live.
I’m also considering returning to my primary, level cap Lore-master on Laurelin and clearing some of the outstanding deeds I have. Deeds have always been a grind in LOTRO however many now provide Motes of Enchantment, which the player can then barter for gear or cosmetic items. Plus if I have all virtues at maximum level by the time SSG revise the system it means I won’t have to spend any additional time on improving them.
I want to diversify my ship builds in STO as I tend to broadly favour the existing meta, which is primarily beam boats. I’ve been experimenting with cannons although success does hinge upon effectively flying your ship and be able to strafe efficiently. I find torpedoes interesting and have been reading about how the Quantum Phase Torpedo can be a major asset in a projectile based build. The great thing about STO is that a lot of the best gear in the game is tied to specific missions, all of which are repeatable. So it’s easy to collate a shopping list and clearly work towards what you want.